Schoolzone | Purple Mash by Trevor Smith

Purple Mash by Trevor Smith

Date: 31.03.2022

Published by 2 Simple Education

  • Reviewer: Trevor Smith
  • Role: Headteacher
  • Subjects covered in this review: Computing


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 Overall rating: 


How well does it match the curriculum?

Well: It covers the curriculum as well as we expected.

We have found that Purple Mash matched our computing curriculum needs accurately and effectively.


How well does it support your school’s inclusion/diversity/equal opportunities policy?

Well: The content is inclusive and sensitively presented.

The use of Purple Mash has been good at matching our needs for inclusion - especially because children can use it remotely!


How well does it support differentiation for the full range of the classes you use it with?

Well: A large majority of resources are suitably differentiated for pupils.

Teachers find differentiation very easy to manage.


How well does it engage and motivate pupils?

Well: Pupils generally enjoy using it and tend to welcome doing so.

Children are always happy to use Purple Mash for computing and spelling - motivation is great!


How well supported is it by accompanying formative assessments?

Well: We use it for monitoring individual pupil progress and haven't had any assessment problems.


How well does it support planning?

Brilliantly: Teachers find it very easy to plan from and a huge time saver.


How well does it support home use / independent learning?

Brilliantly: Purple Mash was especially useful during the remotely learning we had to provide because it is so easy for children to use at home.


How would you rate it for value for money, compared to similar resources?

Reasonably: It represents about the same value for money as similar resources I’ve seen


Would you recommend it to a colleague in a similar school to yours?

Net promoter score: 9



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