Schoolzone | Kapow Primary Music summary review

Kapow Primary Music summary review

Date: 12.07.2022

Average star rating: 4.0/5


Overview comments:
 • Great program particularly for those less experienced and non-specialist staff
 • Great resource if a little too costly
 • Most teachers struggle with subject knowledge and skills in music so a scheme like this which provides support is extremely useful 
 • Overall, some units are great and others less well-developed. 


How well does it match the curriculum?
 •  4* Supports none specialists with video content. Plots objectives across the key stage so coverage is clear and progressive. Some topics aren't quite where we would want them based on year group topics in other foundation subjects
 •  4* There is good progression across the subject and this is a key strength of the resource - a weakness is potentially that there is too much content
 •  4* Covers key skills and knowledge of the music curriculum. Lesson plans are very useful especially for non specialist music teachers.
 •  3* There is a wide range of topics and the curriculum is varied. It would be a good starting point for a non specialist. There is a lack of depth and the PowerPoints are all online meaning you can't download them and adapt them for your class. Some units/topics are fabulous but the ks1 units are a little lacklustre.


How could it be improved to support different learners?
 •  4* Could do with some more support options for the least able in higher year groups - we have only recently started using the Kapow resources so some of our older children need further support
 •  3* More extension for gifted and talented and also more for SEN at the correct level not a year below - more engaging topics
 •  4* As we get more familiar with the units and children’s skills improve there needs to be a little more challenge for the higher ability
 •  2* Adaptable resources to meet the needs of individual cohorts. Also, the resources at times are minimalist. A wider range  of adaptable resources would be great. 


How well does it engage and motivate pupils?
 •  5* Pupils really enjoy all of the units we have covered so far. Motivated to take part in the sessions and enjoy learning about music from different countries and cultures.
 •  3* It would be good if there were a greater range of topics for the children to access that related to the different projects we offer
 •  4* Interesting topics that children enjoy and teachers find engaging too. Lesson plans are detailed enough
 •  3* I use it as part as a pick and mix of units. It would not be sufficiently engaging as the only resource.


How well does it support planning?
 •  5* Great for less experienced teachers in particular. Offers clear lesson structures and informative videos for staff to use before each lesson
 •  4* Planning is supported and it means that teachers can literally pick up and go with the lessons and this saves time 
 •  4* Always a strong feature in Kapow. That is why we took this scheme on as a school especially as it breaks lessons down into small steps
 •  3* As mentioned before, the lack of adaptable resources is the biggest hindrance. You can't add to adjust slides.


What improvements could make this better value for money?
 • 4* Schools always look for reductions in costs so if existing customers could receive discounts for continued use. 
 • 5* The cost of Kapow is high and this is a stretch for the school- we use Twinkl and other resources so this adds up
 • 4* Very happy with the topics, lesson plans, support for teachers and how and what to teach the children as hey enjoy it too 
 • 2* Adaptable/editable resources. Consistent depth across the units. It could not be the stand alone scheme for the school but some well developed units enhance the current offer.


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