Classroom Secrets review by Jo
Date: 07.07.2022Review subject: Science
Phase: Primary
Reviewer: Jo, Deputy head
- Urban LA school 423 pupils in Cornwall
- Ofsted rating: Good
- FSM: 15.6%
Review rating:
Average rating across all Classroom Secrets reviews: 4/5
How well does it match the curriculum?
Reasonably: It’s good enough for the money, but needs some additional resources
Similar depth in questions and links to SATs
How well does it support adaptation for different groups of pupils?
Well: A large majority of resources are suitably differentiated for pupils
Always at least 3 levels of differentiation
How well does it engage and motivate pupils?
Badly: Pupils don’t really enjoy using it
Similar type of responses required. Creativity and variety left to teacher
How well supported is it by any included formative assessments?
Well: We could (or do) use it for monitoring individual pupil progress
Assessment tasks available.
How well does it support planning?
Reasonably: Mostly we can use it without an unreasonable amount of effort or additional resource requirement
Provides a basis for planning but need to edit to for needs of class and school
How well does it support home use / independent learning?
Reasonably: It could be used at home or independently, but pupils would need some extra support or resources
Materials provided
How would you rate it for value for money compared to similar resources?
Reasonably: It represents about the same value for money as similar resources I’ve seen
Good as one of several resources to dip into.
Would you recommend it to a colleague in a similar school to yours? 8/11
• Read more Classroom Secrets reviews
• Read more Science curriculum content reviews Net promoter score for this resource: